
Pumpsim is sold and operated on a licensing system. There are several types of licenses available:

Floating License

This is the most common Pumpsim license type. A Floating License operates in the following manner:

  • Assigned to a company site and activated on a single computer
  • May be transferred between computers at the same site
  • Can only be run on one computer at a time
  • Is managed at our central Pumpsim license server – requires internet access to activate/deactivate/transfer the license.

USB Hardware License

This license operates similarly to the Floating License, however it is accessed via a USB key instead of the internet. The same user/computer activation restrictions apply to this license as to the floating license.

Server Licenses

Server licenses allow for the management of multiple licenses for a single site. This type of license is ideal for organisations that require multiple installations and users of Pumpsim.

Licenses can be managed locally by the organisation or on our central Pumpsim server.

Internet Server License

  • Multiple licenses for an organisational site are managed by our Pumpsim server. These are automatically activated and released in Pumpsim as required (when Pumpsim software is opened and closed).
  • Requires continuous internet connection
  • Automatic activation requires an available license
  • Licenses can be loaned from the server to allow offline use or prevent others from activating/using the software.

Local Server License

  • Similar to an Internet Server License, however the Site administers the license management software locally
  • Does not require continuous internet connection